Aesthetics and prosthesis
Teeth whitening
Over the years, teeth lose their natural colour and the smile loses its attractiveness and youthful appearance. The solution for most of these cases is teeth whitening. In our dental clinic in Tenerife we will inform you about this technique.
With teeth whitening we achieve a lightening of the shade of the teeth, preserving the difference in tone and making the smile brighter and more natural.

Prior to whitening, a dental cleaning and removal of carious processes is recommended.
Teeth whitening does not require anaesthesia as it is a painless procedure.
This technique can be carried out at home or in the dental office, the latter being the one we recommend. A 60-minute visit is necessary and the whitening effect must be reinforced with a home treatment.
In-office whitening is carried out in three steps:
- Protection of the lips and gums
- Application of the whitening substance.
- Activation by the whitening gel in different ways depending on the case (laser, LED, etc.).
For the treatment at home, splints will be made and filled with gel and will be kept at home for one hour on the days specified by us.
In the days immediately after teeth whitening certain precautions should be taken, such as not drinking foods containing dyes like wine, coffee, tea…
In more than 95% of the cases the result is excellent, in those cases that are not very favourable the result will also be satisfactory.
>Frequently asked questions
Can tooth whitening be used to whiten any tooth?
No, there are some discolourations in which the same level of whitening is not achieved as in normal teeth, such as discolouration by tetracyclines. This should be assessed by dentists specialising in Dental Aesthetics. Even so, you will always get a brighter colour than before the treatment.
How long does tooth whitening last?
Whitening does not disappear over the years. It is true that over the years the tooth continues its ageing process and will lose its brightness, so that over the years a reinforcement may be needed, which can be carried out comfortably at home.
One of the most commonly used treatments in Dental Aesthetics are porcelain veneers. Veneers are made in the dental laboratory to the exact size of the preparation carried out in the dental office. This preparation involves minimal wear on the surface of the tooth for the space that the ceramic will occupy.
This method we use at Clínica Bajo is highly effective as it corrects imperfections and visibly improves the appearance of the teeth in a simple and minimally invasive way.

The placement of the veneer or crown will depend on the degree of preparation required for the tooth, as this minimal preparation is not always possible to hide the defects of the dentition. In severe cases, crowns will be placed using the same technique and materials as the veneer. These are pieces that are attached to the tooth and once in place have the same strength as natural teeth.
Good gum health is necessary prior to veneer preparation.
It is performed under local anaesthesia.
After a thorough study of the case, the parts involved are prepared and an impression is taken with a high-precision material that allows the laboratory to work on this measure for the production of the veneers.
In most cases it will be necessary to prepare temporary veneers for a period of 10 days. After this time, the veneers will be permanently cemented.
Tooth sensitivity may appear but will disappear in a short period of time.
Closing black spaces
Over the years or due to bone loss, unsightly gaps sometimes appear between the teeth. This leads to the appearance of black triangles when smiling that detract from the smile.
At Clínica Bajo we offer you in a single session the removal of these black spaces in a very conservative way without touching your dental enamel or the need to send anything to the dental laboratory, which would make the treatment very expensive.

To restore the brightness of your teeth, we have the world’s number one tooth whitening system: ZOOM Professional Whitening System. Hydrogen peroxide is the active ingredient of this system and has been used safely and effectively for years. In just 45 minutes your teeth will be noticeably whiter.
To restore the worn edges of the teeth we use adhesive techniques and without having to almost touch the tooth we recover the youthful appearance of the smile that we lose as the incisal edges wear down.
We also have micro-instruments and with the help of a microscope we disinfect the gums to avoid bone loss and to recover the pinkish tone of the soft tissues that also give an unhealthy appearance to the smile.
Dental prosthesis
A dental prosthesis is an element that is placed in the patient’s mouth over the tooth or over the dental implant previously placed. This helps us to restore the anatomy, both aesthetically and functionally, of a tooth or several teeth.
The aim is the functional recovery and replacement of teeth that cannot be treated conservatively.

There are several types of dental prostheses:
>Fixed prostheses on teeth.
Existen varios tipos de prótesis fijas sobre dientes naturales, que pueden ser carillas, coronas o puentes. A diferencia de las carillas, las coronas son de recubrimiento total del diente y también se hace con materiales cerámicos.
Los puentes, por su parte, se utilizan para sustituir algún diente perdido, apoyándose en los dientes adyacentes, aunque es una técnica que cada vez se utiliza menos, siendo los implantes dentales la solución ideal en estos casos.
>Fixed prostheses on implants
This is the most comfortable, effective and practical solution for patients with dental implants. With this type of prosthesis we recover the chewing and speaking function and we can once again have a perfect smile.
There are fixed prostheses both for complete arches that have been left without teeth, and to replace several or just one tooth. To fit them, the prosthodontist must carry out several tests in the patient’s mouth to ensure that the colour and shape, among other things, are correct.
Prostheses on implants allow chewing and aesthetic function to be restored, helping the patient to regain self-esteem.
>Removable prosthetics
They are those that the patient can remove and put back at any time. They usually rest on the gums, the mucosa or the surrounding teeth and nowadays less and less is used since fixed prostheses are usually the best solution in most cases.
Dental treatments
Avda. Juan Carlos I, Edificio Royal A-6.
38650 – Los Cristianos (Arona, Santa Cruz de Tenerife)
For any type of information about treatments and/or prices, please call the telephone number indicated.
No information is provided by e-mail.